
    Ogilvy, WPP Health Practice

    London, United Kingdom



    Finding the WOW factor

    That was the vision David Davenporth-Firth, Manager/Partner at WPP Health Practice, had to conceptualize. In his words, 'The brief that I was given was to create a WOW factor. And to me the Luminous Textile surface not only supports that, because of the ability to change the content, but importantly allows us to cover a whole spectrum of moods. So, yes, an upbeat WOW factor, but at the same time we can also transition into calmer states and support calmer states.‘


    Ogilvy was moving all their operating companies into one building. It was important to engage the staff in this move and shape a new office that matched or exceeded the environment that employees had become accustomed to. The business needed to build a premium interior to demonstrate to staff that this move was an upgrade and something that would deliver on their high expectations.


    First impressions are everything and so the reception area was a particularly important facet of the new office design. As a health and wellness company, Ogilvy wanted this installation to reflect their work, improve well being in the office, stimulate a healthy atmosphere among employees, and create a real wow factor for both staff and visitors.  


    Ogilvy decided to create a health and wellness lab as part of its new reception area, designed to stimulate the senses through sight, scent and soundscapes. Lighting had to play a key role in this and so the team worked with Signify to deliver eight Luminous Textile panels that provided the focal point in the reception area, a dynamic recessed wall more than 10.5 metres wide and 2.4 metres tall. The Interact Office technology behind the display allowed Ogilvy to create custom content for the panels, including dynamic scenes designed to increase the well being of its staff in the office. Luminous Textile provided the perfect blank canvas for the creative agency to design their own content, including displaying inspirational messages or mood setting designs, themes and scenes.

    Project credits




    Ogilvy, WPP Health Practice, London, UK


    Certified System Integrator:

    Powercor, UK

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