
    Hyatt Regency Cambridge

    Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

    Photo Credits: John Brandon Miller

    Iconic hotel stands out thanks to LED Lighting

    Q. What prompted you to try LED technology?
    A. Compared with our previous fiber optic system, LED technology gave us better control options. As you know, Boston has some extreme winters and hot summers, and when exposed to the elements, the fiber optic strand system became brittle and cracked. The new exterior LED system can withstand all the elements, with minimal damage or repair requirements.

    Q. Have you encountered any benefits in using LED technology?
    A. The main reason we chose LED lighting was to utilize lighting to support various Boston events, whether it be seasonal or holiday lighting, or even illuminating a green outline to support the Celtics on game day. Now, we can now distinguish our hotel from other buildings lining the Charles River.

    Q. Why was exterior lighting a key investment area in the recent renovation of the hotel?
    A. For years the hotel utilized a fiber optic system to outline the unique shape of the building, and the Hyatt Regency Cambridge name became synonymous as the lighted building on Memorial Drive. However, due to damage and disrepair, the old fiber optic system had been down for some time, and we wanted to return the building to its original notoriety. We also saw this as our opportunity to not only bring back the distinguished outline, but take it one step further and incorporate the ability to change the output to suit our needs. The LED fixtures enable us to change from green to support the Celtics to yellow to support the Bruins, without the need for colored gels or filters, and with a simple push of a button!

    Q. Will you incorporate LED technology in any designs in the future?
    A. We’re happy with what the LED technology has done for us. We have left the option open to incorporate more lights at the lower levels of the building and tie them in with the existing system. This would create an effect to outline the entire building, as opposed the current outline which starts at the fifth level and goes up. It’s all still on the drawing board!
    Project credits

    Project Manager:

    Wayne M. Pollard

    Asst. Director of Engineering, Hyatt Regency

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